Glenn Lewis studio

It was time to bring some new work in to Circle Craft Co-op on Granville Island, so on Thursday Alan and I braved the rain for, wow! a day in Vancouver! It's been a long time (for Al). After the mini-Raid recently with Monique and Renée,  Eric Metcalfe took home and has finished painting two bisqued slab plates. I collected them from his home/studio at…

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Islands Holiday

Tomorrow I plan to take myself to Richmond Art Gallery on the last day of 'Imperfect Offerings' which is another show featuring oodles of pots, and the kintsugi of Naoko Fukumaru. But first I'd like to mention some of the personal pottery events and finds from our recent holiday on Saltspring and Vancouver Islands. After the successful getaway in August of 2020, during an endless…


I went to Vancouver!

A Circle Craft customer requested a Stellar's Jay jugbird and a Crow so my version of each were in my recent earthenware firing. There is already lots of my work in the Granville Island Co-op shop but staff said they'd like these two brought in. The sun began to emerge so I opted to drive in to town and give myself a change of scenery.…


Firing that salt kiln

It was a thrill to be involved in the firing of a salt kiln again. Jackie turned on the kiln early in the morning, in fact Jackie did almost all the work. She wanted us to see how she makes the best use of her kiln. We provided the items to be salt fired and were happy to leave Jackie to make her considered decisions…