Read more about the article Collector’s Perspective
John Lawrence & Daina Augaitis

Collector’s Perspective

CSDA/CCAD (Canadian Society for Decorative Arts/Cercle canadien des arts décoratifs) is a national organization that promotes decorative art and design through one-of-a-kind events, special guest talks, and via their award-winning magazine, Ornamentum. The society hosted a conference in Vancouver this weekend. Attendees were taken to museums, galleries and ECUAD and on Friday evening the general public was also invited to a free talk sponsored…


Max Ton Shen Yang

Port Moody Arts Centre (PoMoArts) has a unique opportunity for emerging ceramic artists. A recent graduate from a clay programme is given a small studio in the clay department with use of materials and kilns for a full year, with a month-long solo show at the end of that time. In return the artist-in-residence is asked to supervise some clay drop-in times, share their techniques…

Read more about the article Amy Li Chuan Chang spoke to TriCity Potters
Diving helmet with octopus

Amy Li Chuan Chang spoke to TriCity Potters

The presenter for last Wednesday's meeting of TriCity Potters was North Burnaby ceramic artist Amy Chang. We were thrilled to see and hold her extraordinary ceramic creations once again. I first came across her work at Deer Lake Art Gallery in 2018, and she had another solo show at Port Moody Arts Centre in 2019. This is the poster TCP member Emily Cheung designed…

Read more about the article STOKED! Canadian Clay Symposium: Presenters
images from KC Adams' talk

STOKED! Canadian Clay Symposium: Presenters

What a day! On Saturday March 25th 2023 hundreds of clay enthusiasts met at Shadbolt Centre, in Burnaby, to watch presenters, see displays, meet vendors and reconnect with friends and colleagues after so long. (CCS takes place every three years and it was obviously cancelled in 2020). It has taken me a week to think about the remarkable occasion and to sort out which of…


Jack Ploesser

Last Wednesday's presenter for the monthly TriCity Potters' meeting at PoMoArts was Roberts Creek potter Jack Ploesser. We met him during our two days of touring the Sunshine Coast Art Crawl last October. His natural-gas fired cone 10 reduction pieces are exuberant,  very colourful, and mainly functional. Jack was pleased to be invited to talk to us and had prepared lots of thrown forms…

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