Read more about the article Birds, Rhytons and a river
my interpretation of an eagle rhyton

Birds, Rhytons and a river

How can we be so far into January? I had planned to get a kiln load of earthenware pieces, including some more plates for Raiders made by now. At this point I have some jugbirds and yunomis waiting to be painted and I've thrown and assembled two special Rhytons. The latter just need to dry now and the plan is for Eric to paint them…

Read more about the article Flashing Slips
Red-billed Jugbird

Flashing Slips

My title sounds a bit like a risqué petticoat, but no, it refers to the special, very liquid slips that are sprayed onto bone dry or bisqued stoneware pieces prior to a soda or salt or wood firing. They react to the surrounding flames and will lend a delicious opaque colour, often red-brown, orange or blue, or will encourage orange peeling. There's so much to…

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Read more about the article Kiln Opening Day
Lidded jar with grooves

Kiln Opening Day

Last Wednesday we, the Soda Workshop people, were invited to show up at the Shadbolt kiln for the big reveal. We waited until everybody was there before removing any of the delicious new ware. Perhaps because we were only eight participants (due to a couple of last-minute drop-outs) there was lots of space around each pot and there seemed to be orange peeling or warm…


Introducing Soda

Last Friday I took myself over to Shadbolt Centre in Burnaby to join the other participants in the soda firing. The kiln wasn't quite ready for introducing soda so Linda Doherty suggested I check out the Craft Fair that was taking place in the main building that day, and Saturday and Sunday. First I took a lovely Fall stroll down to Deer Lake in the…

Read more about the article My Happy Place
19 pieces bisque-fired with a variety of flashing slips

My Happy Place

On the very day that we arrived home from England I was notified that an extra Soda Firing Workshop had been arranged at Shadbolt Centre because there were so many people on the waiting list. Of course I signed up there and then. But it meant that I needed to make my two cubic feet of ware between then, late September, and now. In the…