Read more about the article Fall Colours
Green-banded Grooved Jar

Fall Colours

When I take a good look at my latest pots from the soda kiln I see that the most successful ones were sprayed with slips that produce orange and yellow flashing. So the general look is very Autumnal.   When Claude Morin from Moose Jaw and I were working towards firing the salt kiln at Medalta, ten years ago now, we selected a recipe and…

Read more about the article Soda-firing in Covid time
line-up to unload

Soda-firing in Covid time

Our scheduled Spring soda firing was obviously postponed and we, TriCity Potters, were pleased to learn that Jay MacLennan was organizing  one for our group in October but that it would be run very differently from before.   When I'd sent my parcels of pots off to London, Ontario, in late September I quickly changed gear and threw a group of stoneware pots for the…

Read more about the article Jonathon opened the boxes
salty pots

Jonathon opened the boxes

I was astonished to have Jonathon Bancroft-Snell phone me early last Thursday morning. He said the three boxes had arrived.. in less than a week.. and that he planned to include opening them in that day's videotape. He does this every Thursday so that his customers can see what is new each week. Ten minutes later I was ready with my coffee for a happy…


Online Show & Zoom

When Port Moody Arts Centre was forced to close, due to the ever-increasing danger of the spread of Covid 19, artwork in the three recently-opened shows remained in an empty building. Determined that this disappointing turn of events wouldn't be a disaster for the artists, PoMoArts executive director Fatima Amarshi, Gallery Manager Janice Cotter and Media Relations Coordinator Caitlin Hill have devised an initial plan…


November Nuggets

Your first thought when you've taken your latest pots out of a group atmospheric firing is not necessarily ecstatic. Linda Doherty says that she's never really satisfied on the first day. When I saw that at least two pots weren't quite 'done' I thought that I'd just take all the work home and look at them in the morning. One or two seemed to be…