Read more about the article Edmonton Holiday
McMillan house & elm trees at dusk

Edmonton Holiday

Shortly after the opening of TriCity Potters' group soda firing Alan and I flew to Edmonton to join the family for Halloween. It's been many years since we were last in Edmonton so we looked forward to seeing its changes. Without being too specific I can tell you that Steve and Jen have bought a good house with a large yard in a nice part…

Read more about the article Summer Summary
carved bowl green slip & terra sigillata 4" x 7"

Summer Summary

What happened to August? It seems I last wrote a blog in late July. After that we had a fine week with the family at Rathtrevor Beach before Steve, Jen and the grand-boys left for their big move to Edmonton. Al and I spent a couple of days more with friends in Duncan before returning home. There were no ceramics-related events in August that I…

Read more about the article TriCity Potters in JingdeZhen
l to r Hannah, Kay, Grace, Carlene & Eliza

TriCity Potters in JingdeZhen

Fourteen years ago, in October of 2010, five members of TriCity Potters spent an amazing two weeks in JingdeZhen, the famous porcelain-production city in China. Last Wednesday these intrepid potters, Grace Siu, Carlene Akester, Kay Bonathan, Hannah Chan and Eliza Wang, presented their experience there to us and then spoke a little about how the residency has influenced their own work. Kay introduced the five,…

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Read more about the article The Wallace Collection & Mint
Mint Gallery

The Wallace Collection & Mint

We emerged from Contemporary Ceramics at 3 o'clock, hungry! At Prêt á Manger we considered what else we could see nearby. (Could said eatery please open a few venues in the Vancouver area?). My London relatives suggested that the Wallace Collection isn't far away, so we hopped on the tube for a short ride. On entering the Wallace Collections' elegant building Mel asked where we…

Read more about the article Craft Potters Association
Lisa Katzenstein

Craft Potters Association

As you walk to the back of Contemporary Ceramics Gallery to find the current exhibition, you pass square white-painted cubby holes. Each one shows the work of a selected member of the British Craft Potters Association. What a feast of inspiration! We're told that there are over 150 of these accomplished member artists so there must be a system of rotating the spaces over the…

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