Read more about the article Sonia Delaunay at Tate Modern
Sonia Delaunay

Sonia Delaunay at Tate Modern

On the last day of my recent holiday in England I tried to get to several galleries, mainly those featuring ceramics but, partly because the newly opened 'Contemporary Applied Arts' Gallery is nearby, I chose to visit Tate Modern this time. Recent artist 'Raiders' had recommended two shows currently showing there. As teachers of Canadian Art History they told me the Agnes Martin collection is a must-see…

Read more about the article Innovations in Ceramic Art
John Maltby

Innovations in Ceramic Art           Word about this ceramics event has appeared online and in my latest copy of 'Ceramic Review' and I wondered if I might happen to be in the Cambridge area when it's on in October. Some years ago I was lucky to be in London on the weekend of 'Ceramics in the City' and was thrilled to meet all the…

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Read more about the article New Jugbirds for Primavera
Scarlet Macaw Jugbird

New Jugbirds for Primavera

  This afternoon I packed jugbirds into a UPS box which is 18" x 12 1/2" x 8 1/2", just a little smaller than the allowable size for 'carry-on'. It works well because if I don't try to check the pots, just carry them carefully, I can use less bubble wrap etc. They feel good and snug in the box.          …

Read more about the article Yucatan Peninsula Feb 25 – Mar 7, 2015
Temple of Kukulcan, the Feathered Serpent, at Chichen Itsa

Yucatan Peninsula Feb 25 – Mar 7, 2015

  We can't stay away from Latin America! Since January 2014 we've been to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba and now the Yucatan Peninsula. (We went to Austin, Texas too and some would say that's fairly Latin American!).     After Cuba I told Alan that I was done with hot, tropical destinations for a while but I know he's been wanting to get back to…

Read more about the article Flora & Fauna in Yucatan
Magnolia Warbler

Flora & Fauna in Yucatan

I took so many photographs of birds, glorious tropical flowers and the occasional iguana while Alan and I travelled around the Yucatan Peninsula that I thought it worthwhile to assemble them into one album. There are already two rather large albums which record our itinerary and I'll post a link to them next. For those of you who haven't had a chance to explore the Mayan…

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