Read more about the article Wild Things
Jill Fanshawe Kato vases

Wild Things

Saturday October 14th was spent in Central London. I'd had an idea of contacting Lisa Hammond and trundling out to Greenwich to meet her, but decided instead to go to the Gallery of Contemporary Ceramics on Great Russel Street (as I always do when in London). I was sure to see the very best of many different kinds of ceramic work, including some of Lisa's.…

Read more about the article Cambridge again
and here is Jeremy on the gallery's main floor, with Tony Laverick pots he's just brought in.

Cambridge again

Cars are not allowed to park on King's Parade in Cambridge after 9.30am so Primavera Gallery owner Jeremy Waller asks his artists to deliver their work before then. From London, that's difficult, but Jeremy kindly invited me to stay overnight with him and his wife Sheila at College Farm, near Ely. Knowing that their surrounding fields have become a sculpture garden and that they have…

Read more about the article Malory Tate in London
Malory Tate

Malory Tate in London

It's been four years since I last 'crossed the pond'. Alan encouraged me to make the trip, but not for too long! I'm home again now but I crammed lots of special visits and family time into my ten days away in October. As I usually do, I made a point of finding pots, potters, studios and galleries and I'd like to post several blogs…

Read more about the article Primavera, Cambridge
Spotted Woodpecker & Green Woodpecker jugbirds

Primavera, Cambridge

It's four years since I last flew across the Atlantic so I've planned a brief solo trip, starting next week. I have oodles of exciting plans, which include galleries, studios, trains and most importantly, family, in London, Cambridge and Salisbury. Earlier this year Jeremy Waller, owner of Primavera Gallery in Cambridge, emailed to ask if I planned a trip over with more jugbirds soon. Since August…

Read more about the article James Pottery & Islands
Martha James

James Pottery & Islands

An invitation to a wedding celebration gave us a fine excuse to spend several days on two islands. The young couple have chosen to make their home on Vancouver Island, but organized a party weekend for their guests at the much-loved Heriot Bay Inn on Quadra Island. Alan and I checked ourselves in to the High Point 'Resort' just after arriving on the ferry from…

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