Read more about the article Raid Spoils!

Raid Spoils!

My most recent cone 05 glaze firing was rather small, but it's always good to see how the clear glaze alters the colours my visitors have chosen. Each artist has put so much thought into the design and taken great pains with each plate. Here are pieces by Eric Metcalfe, Monique Fouquet, Renée Van Halm, Paul Mathieu and me. Most were painted on our most…

Read more about the article Paul & Eric
an Eric platter 2019

Paul & Eric

Today's blog will be an homage to two artists who are important in my life: Paul Mathieu and Eric Metcalfe. Paul recently sent me an email with a link to his digital Ceramics History publication, "The Art of the Future" so that I can include it in a blog. It's long but it is a well-researched reference for students which he put together during the years…


Mitra Mahmoodi

The guest speaker for TriCity Potters' November meeting was Vancouver Ceramist Mitra Mahmoodi. We were treated to a delightful and well-planned presentation, with a biographical slide show, followed by a demonstration of her process. Mitra had brought along several finished pieces as well as leather-hard forms to show how she makes each one. Mitra Mahmoodi is a full-time ceramic artist based in Vancouver, whose work…

Read more about the article Our Crawl
G Lohan sculptures

Our Crawl

The weather was perfect for this year's Eastside Culture Crawl, with no rain or snow. Alan and I chose to drive in to Vancouver on Friday evening to begin crawling. The annual Visual Arts, Design and Crafts Festival is now enormous so we made a list of studios to visit on our first planned crawl for this year. I had hoped to post my blog…

Read more about the article Collector’s Perspective
John Lawrence & Daina Augaitis

Collector’s Perspective

CSDA/CCAD (Canadian Society for Decorative Arts/Cercle canadien des arts décoratifs) is a national organization that promotes decorative art and design through one-of-a-kind events, special guest talks, and via their award-winning magazine, Ornamentum. The society hosted a conference in Vancouver this weekend. Attendees were taken to museums, galleries and ECUAD and on Friday evening the general public was also invited to a free talk sponsored…