Read more about the article Testing, Testing, 1…2…3
Northern Flicker 10 1/4" X 11" x 4 1/2"

Testing, Testing, 1…2…3

Members of the BC Potters' Guild have been invited to submit work for a September show which will illustrate parts of the artist's process. Potters need to know so much about the huge variety of ways of working with clay. Starting with hand-building or wheel-throwing, the potter then needs to understand ways of finishing their work, whether with the use of slips, underglazes and glazes, or…

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Joe Fafard: Retailles

It's now almost two weeks since I went over to Burnaby Art Gallery on a Thursday evening for the opening of Joe Fafard's latest show here in the Lower Mainland. I'm always curious to see what this well-known Canadian sculptor from Saskatchewan has been up to. From his humorous and loving clay sculptures of prairie folk, to portraits of famous artists and later to the…


June visitors

Once again some Vancouver artists drove out to Port Moody to spend a day painting plates. Yesterday's 'Raiders' were Eric Metcalfe, Mina Totino and first-time-visitor Elizabeth Zvonar. All three jumped right in to work, Eric carefully drawing and then painting two more plates in his new series of 'Dazzle' images, Mina painting right away on three of the rimless coupe plates and later, a larger oval…

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Read more about the article Ciara Phillips at Western Front
Prints made by Vancouver children who took Ciara's workshop

Ciara Phillips at Western Front Just over a week ago Ciara Phillips' residency at Western Front ended with a Saturday afternoon 'closing' event. Sadly I didn't get in to Vancouver that day, so didn't meet the children with whom she's been working or see the final display of their collaborative work. But on the previous Wednesday when I dropped off painted plates Eric took me in to…


April Raid (updated)

We'd planned a mini-'Raid' this week, as Renée and Monique wanted to do some plate-painting before they head out of town to their respective rural studios and I was happy to have some more work to fill my kiln. I gather another Raid will take place in early May. Eric had been working on a plate in his home at the Western Front but then…