Allan Collier

The NorthWest Ceramic Foundation's featured speaker on Thursday night was Allan Collier from Victoria. Allan is a furniture designer-maker, teacher, collector and curator and the topic of his talk was 'BC Pottery 1920-1950.' We knew there were potters working here in the province's early days but Allan has made collecting of any pottery from this period and research on the makers his particular passion. He…


Auction preview, NWCF lecture & installed tiles

On Thursday evening I attended the preview reception for the Western Front Gala Auction. Son Mike joined me and we took a careful look at all the donated art. There were photographs, prints and paintings waiting for the Gala evening ( which is happening as I write) as well as our six specially painted plates. The Luxe Hall (originally built to house the Knights of…


Paintings and Plates

On Saturday, a week ago, Alan and I popped in to the Equinox Gallery rather early for the opening of two new shows. We were on our way to the Stanley Theatre's matinée of Pride and Prejudice, but didn't want to miss Renée Van Halm's 'Nudge' show opening entirely. Stupidly I didn't take any photos at all but if you open this link you'll see…

Read more about the article Western Front Gala Auction plates
Western Front 2016 Presentation Platter, by Eric Metcalfe.

Western Front Gala Auction plates

The Western Front's Gala Auction is coming up next Saturday. Here is the link to the announcement. The six 'Raiders' who've donated a plate each to this fund-raiser are: top row, Philippe Raphanel, Mina Totino and Rebecca Brewer Lower row, Renée Van Halm, Monique Fouquet and Eric Metcalfe. I'm pleased with the new plate design, a simpler rimless oval, and I can almost see…

Read more about the article Between Object and Action: shows at VAG

Between Object and Action: shows at VAG

Just before the current shows on the second and third floors of Vancouver Art Gallery closed I took a day to trundle into town to see them. To avoid parking there I took the 160 bus a block from my home and hopped off two blocks from VAG. Concession fare too! All four floors were of interest to me. On the top floor a fine collection…