Read more about the article ‘Traditions: Ron Vallis & Martin Peters’
Ron Vallis

‘Traditions: Ron Vallis & Martin Peters’

  Last Thursday I attended the opening of the latest show at the Gallery of BC Ceramics, 'Traditions', featuring the work of two Vancouver artists who share a studio, Ron Vallis and Martin Peters. These artists are traditional studio potters in the Leach tradition, hence the show's title I'm sure. Together they have assembled a pleasing selection of jugs, plates, teapots, vases and lidded jars,…

Read more about the article Contemporary Ceramic Collective
Kathleen introducing CCC

Contemporary Ceramic Collective

On Monday June 8th I joined several other members of the BC Potters' Guild at the Gallery of BC Ceramics for the launch of Contemporary Ceramic Collective. New board member Kathleen McGiveron is the energetic promoter of this new Guild initiative. The idea is that membership of this collective is juried and is intended to bring emerging and established clay artists together for critiques and…



RIFF is the title of the current show at the Gallery of BC Ceramics. It is another in a series which pairs two artists, one of whom has been making work in clay for a number of years with another who is right at the beginning of her career. In this case the artists are Jackie Frioud and Sam Knopp, both of whom are well-known…


Marlene’s shoes

Marlene Madison was our third guest at the most recent 'Raid'. She had painted three plates on a visit here prior to Monday's gathering, and then chose another five so there are lots of delightful shoes and one little apartment scene to add to her collection of squarish plates.     We also refired an earlier plate of hers. It had developed crazing, been refired…


Newest plates

I asked local potter Pauline Doyle to help me to lift the shelves into my kiln on Tuesday. The glazing had gone well but I knew that loading the fairly heavy shelves into the kiln would be silly. How lucky am I that the Port Moody Arts Centre where Pauline happened to be working that day is only two blocks away? Thanks Pauline for giving…