Read more about the article Robert Shiozaki & Anyuta Gusakova
Robert Shiozaki

Robert Shiozaki & Anyuta Gusakova

On Wednesday May 20th Robert Shiozaki and Anyuta Gusakova were co-presenters at the monthly meeting of TriCity Potters. We met Robert when he and Kathryn O'Regan collaborated for a show in Port Moody Arts Centre not long ago. It was a preview show for a larger one held at Amelia Douglas Gallery, Douglas College, New Westminster. Since then Robert has joined us at our meetings…

Read more about the article Friday May 15th 2015
Bennett and Lucas

Friday May 15th 2015

Sorry folks! I've neglected my blog recently. But before too much more time goes by I'd like to make note of some recent events. Friday May 15th 2015. That's a day this grandmother won't forget for a long time! Our daughter-in-law Jennifer produced twin boys, Lucas and Bennett, in Maple Ridge Hospital. They're healthy little fellows and were 7 and 6 lbs respectively. Jen, Steve and…

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Read more about the article From Oven and Kiln
Salty Jugbird

From Oven and Kiln

The NorthWest Ceramic Foundation is once again holding a Gala Fundraising Dinner. It's on Friday May 15th and will be held at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Some of us have volunteered to make dessert plates which attendees at the banquet will take home after the event. This particular fundraiser has taken place several times now and is always a great evening to mingle with…

Read more about the article Wisteria
Wisteria blossoms


  In conversations with the artists who come here for painting days I've gathered that Paul Mathieu is a gardener. Eric has a little patch behind the Western Front which supports a lovely selection of healthy plants, thanks to the tender care given them by Karen Henry. But Eric has often said 'you need to see what Paul's done with his garden!' And Paul has…

Read more about the article Celebration!
Glenn Lewis & Ying Yueh Chuang with my Green Bird and two Salty Vases


Here are some photos taken at last night's Opening at the Gallery of BC Ceramics. This month's show is titled 'Celebration' and it marks sixty years since the BC Potters Guild was formed. I have to admit being a member back in the early seventies, but I am not a founding member! Current members were invited to submit up to three pieces to the show…

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