Read more about the article Creative Conversations
Shiozaki. Red Solar Series Platter. Earthenware $750

Creative Conversations

  The latest show at Port Moody Arts Centre is being taken down today. I attended a closing talk last night, presented by the collaborating artists Kathryn Gibson O'Regan and Robert Shiozaki. The show, Creative Conversations, opened the night before I left for England and I hadn't taken the time to pop in to see the show since I returned. I'm pleased to have met both…

Read more about the article Debra Sloan – Horsing Around
Traveller to the Coast

Debra Sloan – Horsing Around

Earlier this year Vancouver sculptor Debra Sloan was an artist-in-residence at the Leach Pottery in St. Ives. Debra has taught pottery and sculpture for many years and can certainly make pots on the wheel, but she did not make Leach-inspired pots while she was in Cornwall. It turns out that Bernard Leach did in fact make clay sculpture as well as his writings, wheel-throwing and…

Read more about the article Put a Bird On It
Celia Rice-Jones, Henny Penny Pot

Put a Bird On It

  The current show at the Gallery of BC Ceramics 'Put a Bird On It' is open to all BC Potters' Guild members. The slightly fanciful title of the show refers to a quotation from the popular TV show, Portlandia. I gather that it's an often mentioned suggestion for marketing! But it has allowed us to produce slightly silly creations for this show. Certainly it seemed…

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Read more about the article Harmony Arts
Sandra Ramos & her mother & her pots

Harmony Arts

West Vancouver's Harmony Arts Festival runs from August 1st - 10th this year. Many potter friends had decided to take part so I persuaded my husband that he would like to spend his birthday, yesterday, beside the beach at Ambleside! On yet another really hot day we parked west of the venue and strolled along the beach, towards the music. En route we admired Xwa-lack-tun's…

Read more about the article Vancouver Summer Craft Market
Sandra Ramos & her salty pots

Vancouver Summer Craft Market

Last year Circle Craft and the Craft Council of BC put on a first Summer Craft Market and it was held at Jack Poole Plaza next to the new Convention Centre. When it was announced that the event would be offered again this year I decided that I'd really like to go. The weather was perfect today - sunny and not too hot, and the location is…