Evocativa Curiosa

'Evocativa Curiosa’ Exhibition Featuring work by Debbie Cheung, Diane Espiritu, Darcy Greiner, Leon Popik, David Robinson and Clive Tucker. Showing: February 7—March 4   On Thursday evening I attended the opening of this show at the Gallery of BC Ceramics. It was great to meet the six artists and to see what each person is working on. All the work refers slightly to the body…


The Future is already here

This is the title of the show that opened at Surrey Art Gallery last Saturday. Artists Alex McLeod and Brendan Tang are featured, each with several pieces and then with an amazing collaborative installation: 'Lovechild'. Rather than try to explain this augmented reality application I'll steal the description from their brochure by guest curator Rachel Rosenfield Lafo. "The installation consists of several components. A ceramic vessel…


East Side Culture Crawl 2012

Saturday was the day we chose to spend crawling around Vancouver's East Side for the Culture Crawl. It was a dreadfully rainy day but not too cold so we dressed appropriately. I imagine that 1000 Parker Street and the Mergatroid Building were very busy because one could spend all day there and not get wet. But we started, with son Mike, on Gore Avenue at…