Artists painting plates

Five Vancouver area artists trundled out to Port Moody on Tuesday for the first 'Raid' since August. It seems I had enough bisque-fired platters and plates prepared for this group, and there were lots of underglaze colours ready. Pierre Coupey drove here from West Vancouver and Mina Totino, Kate Metten, Eric Metcalfe and Tamara Mills came from Vancouver. As conversation flowed each person settled right…


Home again!

What happened to September? Alan and I were 'across the pond' for three weeks and now we're just recovering from the dreaded jet lag. We spent time with my family members in London, Salisbury and Berlin and added a super bus tour through Spain and Portugal. You can imagine how many photos I took there! I hope to share selected best ones over the next…


Eight Plates and Holiday pics

After I'd removed my jugbirds and two bird plates, and the plates that had been bisqued again, there were only eight finished Raiders' plates. Eric, Mina, Michelle, Tamara, Kate and Pierre, here are some of yours. Cindy, Philippe and Marlene, yours are in the second glaze firing now, along with more by the others. Kate has two little triangular dishes to admire.       …


Birthday Raid

What better way for artists to spend a birthday than to get together for a day of painting? Last Wednesday was Eric Metcalfe's birthday and Pierre Coupey's was three days earlier. Alan's was in early August so there were two vast cakes for tea-time! The other Raiders this time were Mina Totino, Philippe Raphanel, Kate Metten, Michelle Normoyle, Cindy Richmond, Tamara Mills and Marlene Madison.…

Read more about the article July Results

July Results

How can it be August tomorrow? Certainly July has been very Summery, giving us a heat wave for the last little while and I hope August will be fair. But I won't mind if we get a little rain and slightly cooler days. Luckily my basement studio is a reasonable place to work if I plug in a fan. I have bisque-fired all the Raiders'…