Eric, Pierre, Renée and Gill

Eric Metcalfe has been experimenting with drawing on bisque forms. The ceramic pencils don't work on a bone dry plate, they just grind a groove instead of leaving a line so I bisqued a couple of his favourite rimmed plates. And yes, the drawing doesn't burn off and is enhanced and preserved by the coat of clear glaze.              …

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Philippe, Mina and Michelle

After a number of firings I was able to take the last of the current batch of Raiders' work out of the kiln on Friday, before I left for Shadbolt Centre for the soda firing.   This post features the work of Philippe Raphanel, Mina Totino and her friend Michelle Normoyle.       Philippe spent much of the day applying several layers of colours…


Potluck Lunch

After some juggling of dates we finally found a day when a group of Raiders could get together for another enjoyable day of working in my studio. Pierre Coupey drove out here from West Vancouver and the other five, Eric, Mina, Philippe, Michelle and Marlene came from Vancouver. Several of my guests are asking for larger platters and plates these days so I did spend…

Read more about the article Presentation Platter

Presentation Platter

On my way in to Vancouver on Tuesday, for that meeting at the Ceramics Gallery and to collect my remaining stock, I stopped in at the Western Front. The latest plates had emerged from the kiln that morning and Al quickly took photos of them. There was a bit of a rush for one particular platter that Eric Metcalfe had painted. He explained to me…

Read more about the article Practical Plates

Practical Plates

For those who read my February 4th blog, I can now show you how the plates painted that day turned out. Philippe Raphanel's two exuberant pieces are rather different from his previous ones. He applied bold colours in a careful pattern and then asked for wax resist as he'd done before. But this time he took a less random approach, with circles of dashes and…

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