Read more about the article August Plates

August Plates

The latest plates are now out of the kiln and photographed. The glaze has behaved itself and the latest four Raiders can now see how their designs worked out. I think they should be pleased.                 Eric's two plates are a continuation of his design explorations but the palette remains the same. He is interested in balancing the…


Pierre’s First Raid

On the first day of August Eric Metcalfe, Renée Van Halm and first-time Raider, Pierre Coupey showed up for a day of plate-painting. As I glazed their work today, I realized that was over two weeks ago. In the meantime Al and I spent an eventful nine days over on Vancouver Island.   It was good to have two seasoned plate painters here on Pierre's…

Read more about the article Speedy Results of a Raid

Speedy Results of a Raid

  Mina, Michelle and Cindy are waiting to see how their plates turned out so I'll show them to you as well. I just managed to get all the finished work into the glaze firing, along with everything that I had ready to go and a couple of plates which didn't make it into my previous glaze firing, painted by Philippe Raphanel and Elizabeth Zvonar. The…


June visitors

I finally decided that I had enough new plates prepared for another Raid and I sent the first photo to organizer Mina Totino. So she and her friends Cindy Richmond and Michelle Normoyle came out from Vancouver today. My own work seems to have taken forever to finish but with some new mugs, yunomis and plates now painted, and some more test pieces for the…

Read more about the article Spoils from ‘Raids’

Spoils from ‘Raids’

  A reader of my blogs had wondered if the 'Raids' are workshops. No, they aren't. I trained as a teacher oh-so-many years ago, in London, but actually only taught in elementary schools for four years and then some time substitute teaching, but I have supplemented my pottery income by teaching wheel-throwing for decades. Then, when I became enamoured of painting with brightly coloured slips on red…

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