Five plates for Western Front Gala Auction

            Final selections have been made and the five donated coupe/plates have been installed in the Luxe Hall at Vancouver's Western Front. The Gala evening and auction takes place on Saturday, and I think is sold out, but this year a preview has been arranged for us ordinary mortals to view the collection of donated art. Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday…

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Four February Raiders

In the middle of February four more Raiders came out here. We were getting short of time to paint and fire a group of coupes/plates for the annual donation to the Western Front Gala Auction (which takes place this coming Saturday). Mina Totino, Philippe Raphanel, Cindy Richmond and Marlene Madison were available for the effort this year.   We haven't seen Philippe Raphanel for some months…

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Three Raiders

On a wintry day at the end of January intrepid Rick Ross brought his old friend Eric out here for the day. Just the three of us painted plates so I felt comfortable working alongside them. Normally I'm a bit shy to paint - potting with others watching is OK but painting requires concentration. Those pieces were finally fired when I filled the kiln with last…

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Judith 13 1/2" x 10 3/4"

Visitors’ work

I had to do two glaze firings recently to accommodate all my recent work and the plates, tiles and leaves of my friends. The 'Port Painters' had painted plates and tiles, Maria brought a super fish later and then Eliza asked if I would glaze fire her new low-fire experiments with my clear glaze. Judith Atkinson experimented with a small coupe plate and then drew…

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work by Ysabella, Gay, Maria and Judith

Port Painters

I knew it wouldn't be long before local, i.e. not Vancouver-based, artists would wonder if they could also have a go at painting on a non-canvas or paper surface, and join me to paint with underglazes on a Gill-made plate. Port Moody artist and instructor Judith Atkinson wondered, so I invited some of the TriCity potters who I know particularly like painting on a surface…