Good firing

I finally unloaded a much-delayed kiln-load this week and my much-recovered husband was able to resume his role as my pot photographer. The work that has waited the longest to be fired is that made by my visitors from Austin, Texas back in October. Their very varied collection of tiles have all turned out well, so now I must pack those up and hope Canada…

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Studio companions

Now that Alan is slowly recovering from his surgery I am finding time to get into my studio again. Local artist and TriCity Potter Gay Mitchell asked if she could come and paint any tiles that I have left over from workshops. She has a show scheduled for Gallery Bistro here in Port Moody at the end of November and I believe she'd like some…

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Read more about the article Princess Jade is moving back to Vancouver
Myrta, Gloria, Linda & Ysabella in Gallery Bistro

Princess Jade is moving back to Vancouver

Back in the early seventies Alan and I bought our first and only jade plant from the window of a Chinese restaurant in Vancouver. Believe it or not we still have said plant and several of its offspring. Every year I take them outside for the summer so that they can enjoy shade, fresh air and some attention. They survive the winter grudgingly on a…

Read more about the article And another eight plates..

And another eight plates..

      The final two Raiders in August were Cindy Richmond and Mina Totino. They each painted four plates so will be accumulating nice sets for themselves.                             Cindy chose to show more defined shapes on this day's plates, but stuck with a gentle, soft selection of colours. She has circles,…

Read more about the article Four more plates

Four more plates

  Eric and Marlene like to stick with rimmed plates, whereas the others prefer rimless, perhaps because they are less 'domestic' and more like a canvas.                 Eric is continuing with his current series, using a limited selection of strong opaque colours, with straight lines and angles and unexpected curves. On one he has introduced yellow, in equal…