Read more about the article Western Front Gala Auction plates
Western Front 2016 Presentation Platter, by Eric Metcalfe.

Western Front Gala Auction plates

The Western Front's Gala Auction is coming up next Saturday. Here is the link to the announcement. The six 'Raiders' who've donated a plate each to this fund-raiser are: top row, Philippe Raphanel, Mina Totino and Rebecca Brewer Lower row, Renée Van Halm, Monique Fouquet and Eric Metcalfe. I'm pleased with the new plate design, a simpler rimless oval, and I can almost see…


Metcalfe tiles

Alan and I got home from a lovely warm week-long holiday in Puerto Vallarta just over a week ago. Since then I have fired the kiln twice, once to bisque-fire all remaining plates and tiles and most of my stoneware pieces for future salt, and the second to glaze-fire tiles, plates and a couple of ordered jugs, to cone 04. I re-fired some of Renee's…


More plate painting

Three more Vancouver artists came out to Port Moody on Wednesday to paint the plates they plan to donate to the Western Front Fundraiser. Last week Mina, Philippe and Monique were here and yesterday it was Eric, Renée and Rebecca. They are all comfortable with using underglazes on bone dry clay plates now and quickly settled down for a quiet day - well, along with some hilarious…

Read more about the article More Western Front plates
Looking at Philippe's plates

More Western Front plates

Yesterday was another busy day, with three 'Raiders' here to paint plates all day, and then a TriCity Potters' meeting in the evening. There will be a set of six plates, painted by a selected group of Vancouver artists, to be donated to the annual Western Front Gala in a month or two. I was asked to design a new shape, an oval plate without…


Fireplace Tile Project

Back in early December I made 75+ tiles for a fireplace surround in a Courtney house. It was a tricky arithmetical challenge because I wanted to choose a tile size that would not require any to be cut to fit in the space, but clay shrinks. In the end I cut out two different sizes and they were all 10 percent bigger than what I want…