Read more about the article Holly McKeen
Some of Holly McKeen's crystalline pots.

Holly McKeen

  Chilliwack potter Holly McKeen was our guest at last Wednesday's TriCity Potters' meeting. Holly gave us a Power Point Presentation on her remarkable and speedy career in pottery. She also brought along quite a few pieces of her distinctive crystal-glazed work and finished up with a little demonstration of her method of producing a functional lasagne dish. Only about twelve years ago Holly and her husband…

Read more about the article Plate painting day
Bone dry plates painted with underglazes

Plate painting day

  Five artists drove out to Port Moody on a really rainy day yesterday, loaded with masses of potluck lunch contributions! They all painted away with enthusiasm and we now have a great group of bone dry plates just waiting for me to get a final jug bird painted. Then I'll get them all loaded in to a bisque firing as usual. Can't wait to…

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Read more about the article Six Plates Selection
Paul & Eric examining the plates

Six Plates Selection

      On my way in to Granville Island on Wednesday afternoon I stopped in at the Western Front to drop off all the finished plates and to have a cuppa with Eric Metcalfe. Paul Mathieu arrived soon after, having cycled up from Emily Carr U after teaching his class. Both were jumping-up-and-down anxious to see their finished work!           Renée,…

Read more about the article Eric M & Jacquie R
J Ross, squarish plate

Eric M & Jacquie R

The last two artists who painted plates for the Western Front's Gala Auction are WF resident and founding member Eric Metcalfe and WF curator Jacquelyn Ross. Eric, of course, organizes these 'Raids' to Port Moody and invites the artists. But this time he decided to let the other four come out without him, and Jacquie, although invited to participate in the 'Six' had to be…


Two more artists

The other two artists who recently spent the day here were Elizabeth McIntosh and Mina Totino. They both painted several of the new 'square' forms so that we would have a choice for the Western Front Gala Auction set, and then used other shapes for fun.     First, here are Elizabeth's squarish plates. It was interesting to see how these artists reacted to the…