Latest Jugbirds

Alan took photos of my most recent jugbirds when I took them out of the kiln last week. There is one brand-new design and some others have slight changes. Three were commissioned by someone from North Vancouver. She had seen that I made a Kingfisher to take to England and wondered if I had ever made a local version. I was pleased to find that…


Susan Delatour Lepoidevin

Luckily it was a sunny cold day for Susan Delatour Lepoidevin and her partner Rod to drive the 3 1/2 hours to the Coast from Princeton. November can so often be dreadfully wet here and therefore snowy on Highway 3. I'm also pleased that they stopped at Greenbarn to stock up on clay, visited friends, and managed to fit in a trip to Granville Island…


Painted plates and a vase

Here are the photos Al took of all the pieces that were painted last week. Our home-made light box really does make the job of getting a professional-style image so quick and easy.  I merely crop them in iPhoto. All the plates look the same size here, but Jacqui's are four lunch-size plates. She now has a set of six.          …

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Pot delivery

Tuesday was very exciting for all of us as it was the day that the glaze firing was finally cool enough to open. All in one day I unloaded, Al took the photos of the finished pieces and then I packed them up and we drove in to Vancouver.                   I delivered just three little vases to…


Labour Day work

Half a dozen of us wound up working hard, painting plates, platters and a vase in my studio on Labour Day. This time the 'raid' consisted of Eric Metcalfe, Katie Lyle, Jacqui Ross, Paul Mathieu and new-to-us Dave MacWilliam. Alan took lots of photos of the painters but I'll just post one of each person tonight. As usual, the visitors brought lunch - quiche, salads,…