I’m Happy to be Raided!

In spite of a little overnight snowfall five Raiders showed up in Port Moody on Wednesday. The sun was shining so the ice on the road and walkways was quickly melted. I just managed to get another group of plates bisque-fired and cool enough to take out of the kiln that morning and I didn't want to slip while carrying them from the kiln shed…

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A Little Raid

On this below-freezing day here on the West Coast it's a perfect day to finish off some stoneware pots and think about posting some photos of my recent glaze firing of earthenware. Just over a week ago just two Raiders, Mina and Michelle, joined me for a work day. As it turned out their few plates just helped me to fill my kiln for a…


Col. Pop, Chowder & Solstice

While we busy ourselves with Christmas shopping and baking, gift-wrapping and good wishes-mailing, my artist friend Eric Metcalfe spends every day completing one or two extraordinary drawings or little paintings. He listens to Classical music, preferably Handel, or some of his vast collection of Jazz. But recently he was listening to news from South of here and became increasingly angry.  The resulting drawings are of…


Packing Plates

This evening's little chore is to pack up the most recently painted plates, ready for us to deliver to the Western Front tomorrow. That'll be our Solstice adventure. How marvellous to know our days will get longer now! The glaze firing included plates painted by the most recent visitors, Renée, Monique and Marlene, another one from Eric and four little dishes painted by one of…

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A Raid, new email and Christmas preparations

Three artists, Renée, Monique and Marlene, were here yesterday for the final 'Raid' of 2018. They had a quiet relaxing day concentrating on painting their platters. Renée has completed two of her abstract collage images, Marlene completed work on a pair of platters she'd started earlier and then painted a pair of dishes depicting food and Monique spent her time on a delicate image of…