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Close-up of the middle, saltiest area of the kiln

Kiln opening day

On Saturday December 20th Alan and Eliza came out to Abbotsford with me for the excitement of opening the latest salt kiln firing. Alan took lots of candid shots of our work and reactions so I'll just add an album below. We had lots of good ideas to share and inspiration for the next firing. There's also a link to a new Picasa album of…


Eliza Wang

The second person to make a presentation to her fellow potters at our May meeting was long-time member Eliza Wang. We have been so impressed with the fine, carefully considered pieces she makes and her recent successes in the wider ceramic world. Yet Eliza seemed to be asking us for advice about directions, what to make, which pieces to assemble for gallery selections and which…


Vin Arora at Place des Arts

One of the first speakers invited to a TriCity Potters meeting, some five years ago, was Vin Arora. At that time he had just been hired to take over teaching and tech duties at Place des Arts from retiring June MacDonald. He was a recent Emily Carr grad at the time. We were so impressed with his enthusiasm for a recent highly influential trip to…


Congratulations to Eliza Wang!

  Coquitlam potter and Potters Council member Eliza Wang has had her vase, "Longevity" selected to be shown with only 19 others at NCECA/Houston in 2013. Well done, Eliza. Your piece is quite lovely! I hope you don't mind my sharing the good news with other potters. TriCity Potters are very proud of your success. Here is the link to see the other winners and…


Clay 2011 opened at Maple Ridge Art Gallery

I didn't go to the Saturday opening of the Fraser Valley Potters' show at Maple Ridge Art Gallery. We had a young man here tidying up our 100-yr-old cedar tree and removing low branches. It was too tempting to stay here and take advantage of an unusual dry day, watch Brian up the tree and putz around arranging bricks next to my garden. Al tackled…