Read more about the article Imperfect Offerings. Richmond Art Gallery
Naoko with Wayne Ngan pots

Imperfect Offerings. Richmond Art Gallery

  I've changed my mind about Kintsugi. I have felt that if a pot was broken, cracked, chipped or flawed it should be smashed and added to the shard pile. The amateur gloppy gold-painted kintsugi-wannabe repairs that seem to be currently acceptable, just don't do it for me. But now I've seen the work of Naoko Fukumaru and understand how an expert can repair and…


Time to start work in the studio again..

To start off the New Year here is a final beautiful tile from our Turkey holiday. On the last day in Istanbul we were taken to a smaller and exquisite mosque, Rustem Pasa, built in 1561. The elegant domed architecture was completely clad with these tiles, each wall a different design. They often depict Turkey's signature tulips and carnations. If I get a request in…