December catch-up & Primavera

I have been home from England for just about two weeks now and life is returning to normal. My nine days over there were memorable and important for me. We gave Bill a fine Church of England send-off with thoughtful eulogies and sermon, moving hymns and music. I now have a greater appreciation of what a kind and learned man he was. When I first arrived over there…

Read more about the article September Raid
Raiders at work

September Raid

Yesterday was another of those busy but productive days when the 'Raiders' turn up. My guests were Eric Metcalfe, Mina Totino, Monique Fouquet, Renée Van Halm, Elizabeth McIntosh and later Marlene Madison.           It was a rainy day so we ate our splendid potluck lunch inside. Al and I thank you all for Monique's home-baked quiche, cheeses, cold cuts, salads, breads…

Read more about the article New Jugbirds for Primavera
Scarlet Macaw Jugbird

New Jugbirds for Primavera

  This afternoon I packed jugbirds into a UPS box which is 18" x 12 1/2" x 8 1/2", just a little smaller than the allowable size for 'carry-on'. It works well because if I don't try to check the pots, just carry them carefully, I can use less bubble wrap etc. They feel good and snug in the box.          …


Eclectic Gallery

Alan and I took the ferry over to Victoria last Wednesday. Al has packed up lots of his archaeological material and was ready to deliver the boxes to the Royal BC Museum as the repository. I had completed a group of jugbirds for a new gallery (for me). Vijaya at Eclectic Gallery in Oak Bay had seen my work, found me through my website and…

Read more about the article Seven new jugbirds
Rainbow Lorikeet from Australia

Seven new jugbirds

    There were seven of my jugbirds in that firing of all the plates. As Don Hutchinson and I chatted at the opening of 'Two for Joy' I asked him how he could be giving up making pottery after all these years. But after a career teaching at Langara and then continuing as a partner in Bob Kingsmill's pottery shop for another decade after that,…

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