Read more about the article Four jugbirds
Rainbow Lorikeet jugbird

Four jugbirds

Here are the other four jugbirds from the recent firing. There's a Stellar's Jay, our local Blue Jay. He's a noisy fellow!     Then I've made a new Kookaburra to remind us of our amazing trip Down Under.               We saw the Rainbow Lorikeets in a big park in Melbourne.                …

Read more about the article Scarlet Macaw & others
Scarlet Macaw jugbird

Scarlet Macaw & others

    The top area of the kiln was reserved for my latest jugbird creations. Jeremy Waller of Primavera, in Cambridge, asked me to bring along some English birds and some more exotic ones. So I now have to carefully pack them up in a cardboard box that is just slightly smaller than the allowed carry-on size, ready for my flight to Gatwick on Friday.…


Friends in my studio

There were tiles left over from the recent tile-painting workshop for TriCity Potters so I suggested some of them might like to drop by and paint some more. I told them that I would be busy getting my recently completed jugbirds painted while they worked. So six capable potter friends arrived at 11am, with casual lunch offerings too! and we had a delightful time of quiet productivity…

Read more about the article August jugbirds
English Green Woodpecker

August jugbirds

    Here are the other jugbirds that were fired in August. I've taken the Flicker, RB Sapsucker, little Blue jb and the taller dark grey one to Circle Craft, with the promise that I'll get more to them soon! Then a staff member asked if I plan on making some more salty ones. Oh dear, now I'll feel guilty taking my trip to England…


My workshop weekend in Williams Lake

What did I do for my workshop in Williams Lake? After an enjoyable Greyhound bus ride (8.15am - 4.15pm) up the Fraser Canyon, then beside the Thompson River and north up the Cariboo Highway, Joan Beck met me. As before, when I gave a workshop to Cariboo Potters in 2000, I stayed for the three nights with Joan and her husband Reg. Their home is…

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