“Hands: That Shape our Community”

This afternoon I took six jugbirds down to Clarke street in Old Port Moody. The Gallery Bistro there, run by Helen and Rainer Daniels, is hosting the first show of work by 'Inlet Artists'. A couple of months ago we showed photographs of the hands of Port Moody art-makers here, on the walls of Port Moody Library. The hands belong to painters, wood-workers, musicians, and…


First 2014 firing

I fired my kiln with only a partial load this week because I can't keep the airport Crafthouse shop waiting any longer. This afternoon Alan took photos of the latest work to emerge.             There are two pieces by Eric Metcalfe using a new bold combination of turquoise, red and black on Naples yellow. They're quite striking! He'll be donating…


Back to work!

It's good to get back to routine. Just lately I've been trying to get a group of twelve jugbirds ready to take out to YVR. They were ordered before Christmas but I warned Crafthouse that I would bring them in in January. To help fill the kiln we picked up a platter and a plate from Eric at the Western Front on Saturday, en route…


New Jugbirds: Magpie, Kingfisher & Gannet

  Friday's kiln opening revealed fifteen new jug birds and the five plates painted earlier by Eric, Sally and Katie. Most of my birds are the completion of  the YVR Crafthouse order, so I'll take twelve out to the airport tomorrow. But I am happy to study my three new designs, a magpie, a kingfisher and a gannet. Here are photos of them and the…


Green Woodpecker and others

https://picasaweb.google.com/112208740085943894765/EarthenwareJuly2013 My glaze firing this week was only a partial load because its bisque had also included the remainder of my stoneware pieces for the salt firing. But I needed to get the jugbirds ordered at ArtWalk finished. As usual Alan has photographed them for me, using our smart light box out in my kiln shed. It does make the work look so much better!…