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John Lawrence & Daina Augaitis

Collector’s Perspective

CSDA/CCAD (Canadian Society for Decorative Arts/Cercle canadien des arts décoratifs) is a national organization that promotes decorative art and design through one-of-a-kind events, special guest talks, and via their award-winning magazine, Ornamentum. The society hosted a conference in Vancouver this weekend. Attendees were taken to museums, galleries and ECUAD and on Friday evening the general public was also invited to a free talk sponsored…



Tyler Fritz' Instagram handle is 'fortheloveofmudd' and, while following his posts, I discovered that he seems to have an enormous selection of historic pots. It turns out that his main interest is the finding and marketing of all things Mid-Century Modern and along with his research on those paintings, prints and furnishings he has come across lots of secondary market ceramics from that period.  Thomas…