July ‘Raid’

  Two weeks ago Alan and I were 'raided' again. Our Vancouver artist visitors were Eric Metcalfe, Jacquie Ross, Mina Totino, Marlene Madison and first-time-raider Cindy Richmond. After having had six TriCity Potters here just a few days before I only just had enough plates prepared for the next five painters.   Mina had asked for another large platter and at least one square dish,…

Read more about the article Gillian’s plates
Stargazer Lily plate

Gillian’s plates

  I really like the new 'coupe' rimless plate shape I've been making for the 'Raiders', so I've made some for myself lately, using my red earthenware clay. On one I chose to paint the surface with white porcelain slip (which I know 'fits') and then applied geometrical shapes. It is really an experiment to see if the colours jump out or retreat, and my black…

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Latest creations

Last Monday I waxed all the bisque-fired plates and jugbirds, and because it was a warm day I was able to get the glazing done and then reloaded the kiln. So it was firing all the next day while Alan and I went in to St Paul's Hospital, Vancouver to meet the cardiac surgeon. When that was over we treated ourselves to lunch in Vancouver…

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Read more about the article Some more plates

Some more plates

The other plates in my latest firing were by Eric Metcalfe and new visitor to my studio, Ciara Phillips, and one piece each from Philippe Raphanel and Mina Totino. The previous kiln was so full that I didn't get plates by the last two in so they've had to wait quite a while. Eric's new plates are the boldest I've ever seen him do! He says these are…


Latest plates

My most recent firing was completely full and I was pleased to see that the temperature was even from top to bottom, with good clear glaze enhancing everybody's work. I'll post photos of work by Renée Van Halm and Monique Fouquet first. Renée had asked for another large round platter so that's the mainly green one. She also painted two of the new coupe plates,…

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