More Painted Plates

There was a small Raiding party on Friday with just Mina, Pierre and Michelle. But the group worked on several plates, we had another marvellous lunch and now I have quite enough pieces to fire, along with some work of mine.                 Mina and Michelle were happy to have work from the previous Raid to take home, and…

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Presentation Platter

On my way in to Vancouver on Tuesday, for that meeting at the Ceramics Gallery and to collect my remaining stock, I stopped in at the Western Front. The latest plates had emerged from the kiln that morning and Al quickly took photos of them. There was a bit of a rush for one particular platter that Eric Metcalfe had painted. He explained to me…


A ParRaid of Painters!

Five artists were here the week before last and that's about enough people to work around my table so on Friday another three Raiders arrived for a day of painting. While I had been potting and glazing during the week I managed to prepare some more plates for this group. Luckily for me, potter Robert Shiozaki teaches at Totally Ceramics and at Port Moody Arts…

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Raided Again!

There hasn't been a 'Raid' in my studio since December but I knew there were folks just waiting for me to get some more slab plates made for another painting get-together. During January I enjoyed myself throwing some off-the-hump yunomis, some three-colour pieces and half a dozen stoneware pots. The latter were triggered by Fredi Rahn's January talk to Tri-City Potters when she discussed clay,…