Read more about the article More platters and plates

More platters and plates

The other plates that emerged from this recent firing were painted by Renée Van Halm, Monique Fouquet, Mina Totino, Cindy Richmond and Marlene Madison. I was pleased to hear that Mina made it safely home on Monday evening with all of the plates but found the icy roads rather scary. I'll post photos of all the plates but they often wind up separated from anything I might…

Read more about the article And another eight plates..

And another eight plates..

      The final two Raiders in August were Cindy Richmond and Mina Totino. They each painted four plates so will be accumulating nice sets for themselves.                             Cindy chose to show more defined shapes on this day's plates, but stuck with a gentle, soft selection of colours. She has circles,…

Read more about the article Four more plates

Four more plates

  Eric and Marlene like to stick with rimmed plates, whereas the others prefer rimless, perhaps because they are less 'domestic' and more like a canvas.                 Eric is continuing with his current series, using a limited selection of strong opaque colours, with straight lines and angles and unexpected curves. On one he has introduced yellow, in equal…


Five new plates

I opened the glaze kiln this morning and am happy with the results. There are sixteen new plates, one re-fire (a little speck of kiln wash had fallen on one last time) and just one piece of mine. The next firing will be a new group of my jugbirds. Alan has, as usual, taken good photos in our booth so I'll post them in three…


Birthday Raid

There were enough plates for yesterday's 'Raiders' but only just! My visiting artists were Eric, Mina, Monique, Renée, Cindy and Marlene. As usual the group settled down to work and in no time were concentrating on their latest ideas, all so different from each other. I have a few photos of them working but will wait until the plates are all fired twice before I post photos of…