Read more about the article Potters Painting Plates

Potters Painting Plates

During the last few weeks, while Alan has continued to edit his book collection and I try to sort and get rid of magazines and unused household things, I made time to bisque, glaze and fire those plates which were painted by TriCity Potters. I think the group will be pleased to see how bright the underglazes are when fired to earthenware temperatures. You might…

Read more about the article Raided Again!
lunch time!

Raided Again!

Four artists drove out from Vancouver this morning for our first Raid in quite a while. We were Renée van Halm, Monique Fouquet, Karen Henry and Cathy Busby. Sadly Eric isn't steady enough these days to make the trip out. We missed him, and I'm putting this blog together quite  quickly so that Karen can show him photos of our work day. He started this…


Valentine’s Raid

The last two days have been just perfect! They were my kind of fun. Tuesday saw me joining the team at Shadbolt for unloading the soda kiln. But I will start by telling you about yesterday. Renée and Monique were keen to spend another day here painting plates and we invited Karen to bring Eric out here for a change of scene and an afternoon…

Read more about the article Spring Raid
all hard at work

Spring Raid

Yesterday was one of those days that turns out just right. Renée and Monique had been trying to find a day when they could 'Raid' my studio one more time and paint plates. I hadn't had visiting artists here to do that since late last year. There were a number of slab plates on hand, some bisque-fired and some bone dry so we chose Wednesday…


September Raid

It's exactly a year and a half since I've been able to welcome 'Raiders' to my studio to paint plates. Last Friday we decided to take advantage of warm weather and assemble a small group to work in the studio with the door open and to lunch outside.       Eric Metcalfe, Renée Van Halm and Monique Fouquet arrived together, bringing lunch. I had…