A Raid, new email and Christmas preparations

Three artists, Renée, Monique and Marlene, were here yesterday for the final 'Raid' of 2018. They had a quiet relaxing day concentrating on painting their platters. Renée has completed two of her abstract collage images, Marlene completed work on a pair of platters she'd started earlier and then painted a pair of dishes depicting food and Monique spent her time on a delicate image of…


Potluck Lunch

After some juggling of dates we finally found a day when a group of Raiders could get together for another enjoyable day of working in my studio. Pierre Coupey drove out here from West Vancouver and the other five, Eric, Mina, Philippe, Michelle and Marlene came from Vancouver. Several of my guests are asking for larger platters and plates these days so I did spend…

Read more about the article Four February Raiders

Four February Raiders

In the middle of February four more Raiders came out here. We were getting short of time to paint and fire a group of coupes/plates for the annual donation to the Western Front Gala Auction (which takes place this coming Saturday). Mina Totino, Philippe Raphanel, Cindy Richmond and Marlene Madison were available for the effort this year.   We haven't seen Philippe Raphanel for some months…

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Read more about the article Port Painters
work by Ysabella, Gay, Maria and Judith

Port Painters

I knew it wouldn't be long before local, i.e. not Vancouver-based, artists would wonder if they could also have a go at painting on a non-canvas or paper surface, and join me to paint with underglazes on a Gill-made plate. Port Moody artist and instructor Judith Atkinson wondered, so I invited some of the TriCity potters who I know particularly like painting on a surface…

Read more about the article Full kiln
Gary enjoyed my little cups

Full kiln

At last we have had a gorgeous, if cool sunny day. Al and I took an hour-long walk down to the nearby Trans-Canada Trail and were pleased to see Schoolhouse Creek salmon stream restoration under the recently opened Skytrain Line. Then I decided to use the non-rainy day to take plates out to the kiln shed rather than make a mad dash up to the…

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