Birds nesting..

It may be because Spring is finally here and we're noticing woodpeckers drumming for a mate, goldfinches cavorting at the feeder and hummingbirds dancing nearby, that I found I'd made a good number of jugbirds for my recent firing, as well as another Egg box. I see three of these around here but clearly not the Puffin! I was determined to get a kiln load…


January Jugs & more

It took most of January to get my kiln filled. My second successful cataract operation was two weeks ago today and I'm delighted that my two eyes now see the same colours, distant vision is great and in a couple more weeks I'll get a prescription for near vision. Al and I popped in to Vancouver one day when the pervasive fog had lifted and…


Particular Patterns on Plates

Every shelf in my latest bisque and glaze firings held plates, except for the top one. There I placed four requested Red-breasted Sapsucker Jugbirds, the 'North by North-West (NXNW)' mugs and two bowls for donation for the September NWCF fundraiser 'That Pottery Thing'.   To save space here I've assembled the photos with the 'layout' app so that you can see the top and side…