Read more about the article Painted Plates, ‘Snow’ clay & the SHUFFLE
Sgraffito plate

Painted Plates, ‘Snow’ clay & the SHUFFLE

Once the early June celebratory time was over I got around to painting ten Egg boxes with underglazes so that I could get the most recent plates fired as well. 'Snow' white earthenware clay from Plainsman Clays has been recommended as a replacement for the Georgie's Wonder White that I have been using for some years now. I need a white clay for my visiting…


Max Ton Shen Yang

Port Moody Arts Centre (PoMoArts) has a unique opportunity for emerging ceramic artists. A recent graduate from a clay programme is given a small studio in the clay department with use of materials and kilns for a full year, with a month-long solo show at the end of that time. In return the artist-in-residence is asked to supervise some clay drop-in times, share their techniques…

Read more about the article More TriCity Potters’ CERAMICS IN FLUX
Neolithic Inspired Vessel Brigitta Schneiter

More TriCity Potters’ CERAMICS IN FLUX

On Friday afternoon I had a chance to wander through the three galleries at PoMoArts and to take a better look at the shows. Several others were looking too, including a man who is taking classes at the Clay Warehouse in Port Coquitlam, had attended the opening the night before and was enthusiastically showing all the work to a friend. I encouraged them to join…

Read more about the article CERAMICS IN FLUX
Janice Cotter & Kay Bonathon


On Thursday evening three shows opened at PoMoArts, including TriCity Potters' first group show since our last one was closed down in March of 2020. Today's blog shows some of the artists in our current show 'CERAMICS IN FLUX', and a little on the two other shows. TCP board member Kay Bonathon thanked gallery manager Janice Cotter for her splendid work organising and displaying all…

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Read more about the article Faces and the Garden: Pauline Doyle
True Hope is Swift

Faces and the Garden: Pauline Doyle

Pauline Doyle was one of the first to take pottery classes and join drop-in sessions in the clay department of the newly opened Port Moody Arts Centre, now PoMoArts. Before long she became a popular teacher of the children's clay classes and for three years she was the artist-in-residence. Her main interest now is to make whimsical animal sculptures in her Spring street, Port Moody…