Read more about the article Concrete Marrow: Mickey Vescera

Concrete Marrow: Mickey Vescera

The three ceramic shows at PoMoArts close on September 4th. so you have a week to check them out. Mickey Vescera has been the most recent Ceramics artist-in-residence in the Arts Centre's clay department and this is their concluding show. Mickey graduated from Emily Carr University's ceramics programme a year ago so this will have been a wonderful opportunity for them to research and…


Current PoMoArts shows

There was a real in-person opening for the current three shows at PoMoArts on Thursday May12th. It was such a treat to experience meeting the artists, see their work and re-connect with art-lovers here. This will just be a brief overview of the shows, with the suggestion that there is still time to check them out until June 9th. 'Paperscapes' artists: Olga Campbell, Ellen Pelto,…

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TCP Sgraffito Session

There was total silence for a while on Friday night as members of TriCity Potters concentrated on scratching, scraping, drawing or carving into leather-hard pots and tiles. We were all engrossed in the process of sgraffito. Executive member Maria Palotas, an experienced pottery teacher, had offered to lead this group activity, since she had recently used the technique on cups and bowls. We had asked…

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Read more about the article Elaine Brewer-White
Elaine and her laptop

Elaine Brewer-White

Elaine Brewer-White was our guest speaker for the first indoor, in-person meeting of TriCity Potters in two years! Because PoMoArts is using all available rooms to provide not-crowded classes, Fridays are the only week-day when a meeting room is available, at least for the time being. We'll try to reserve a room for Wednesdays again, starting in the Fall. But, at last, Dr. Bonnie gave…


Ron Love: Whimsy in Wood and Paint Ron Love: Whimsy in Wood and Paint Join us  at 7:15 pm on July 22nd for a virtual artist talk with Ron Love on Facebook live. When Ron Love retired from a long and successful career as an architectural illustrator and designer, he wanted to expand beyond his usual painting practice, and explore fresh mediums to use his creative talents. He turned his artistic bent…