More birds to England

This time last week, while our grandson was napping, I waxed the bottoms of umpteen plates and my few jugbirds ready for glazing the next day. It doesn't seem possible that some of those pots have now arrived in Cambridge! Alan took photos of the finished work on Thursday, I packed them the next day and on Saturday my neighbours, sisters, flew to England for…

Read more about the article Innovations in Ceramic Art
John Maltby

Innovations in Ceramic Art           Word about this ceramics event has appeared online and in my latest copy of 'Ceramic Review' and I wondered if I might happen to be in the Cambridge area when it's on in October. Some years ago I was lucky to be in London on the weekend of 'Ceramics in the City' and was thrilled to meet all the…

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Cambridge day

On my recent flight to England my hand luggage was ten jugbirds. I had checked the size and weight allowed - 22lbs, and bought a cardboard box just under that size. Each was wrapped in newsprint and then small bubble-wrap. I made a handle out of duct tape with rope inside so it was easy to carry, and astonishingly the box weighed 14lbs! It fitted…


Finished painting jugbirds

Yesterday I enjoyed myself painting the last two jugbirds with whatever colours of slip that I fancied. So they're totally imaginary birds. As soon as they dry in the current summery weather I'll terra sig the bases with the nice new batch of terra sigillata I made up the other day. The photo shows how much water I simmered off - the pan was filled…


Eagle Jugbird in England

I love getting emails from my website! This morning someone from England sent me a photo of an Eagle jugbird he'd bought at a shop in SW London. It was originally shown at the now-closed Candover Gallery in Alresford, Hants in an 'Animals' show. You don't often get any news of old friends from your studio after they've left. Happy! Another exciting piece of news…