Three Raiders

On a wintry day at the end of January intrepid Rick Ross brought his old friend Eric out here for the day. Just the three of us painted plates so I felt comfortable working alongside them. Normally I'm a bit shy to paint - potting with others watching is OK but painting requires concentration. Those pieces were finally fired when I filled the kiln with last…


Now I’m a ‘Raider’

  What a great day! The last day of January and there wasn't a cloud in the sky so of course it was chilly. But with a small space heater in the studio it was perfect for three of us to paint plates all day. Just Eric and his old friend Rick Ross were here this time. Rick hasn't joined us for, as it turned…


Last 2016 firing

Getting the most recent work fired has been quite a challenge lately, simply because of negotiating the slippery snow-covered path down to the kiln shed. But there weren't too many pieces so I never had to be out there very long.     When Mina came out here last Monday she brought a couple of pots she'd made by hand, in her Vancouver studio, as…

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Read more about the article More platters and plates

More platters and plates

The other plates that emerged from this recent firing were painted by Renée Van Halm, Monique Fouquet, Mina Totino, Cindy Richmond and Marlene Madison. I was pleased to hear that Mina made it safely home on Monday evening with all of the plates but found the icy roads rather scary. I'll post photos of all the plates but they often wind up separated from anything I might…


Glazed Plates

What an unusual week it's been here in BC's Lower Mainland. We're told that the snowfall is the first for over 1,000 days so we got dumped on to make up for two mild winters. But I was able to do a bisque, then glaze and fire the kiln again without the power going out. Yesterday I emptied the kiln after shovelling the walkways yet…

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