April Raid (updated)

We'd planned a mini-'Raid' this week, as Renée and Monique wanted to do some plate-painting before they head out of town to their respective rural studios and I was happy to have some more work to fill my kiln. I gather another Raid will take place in early May. Eric had been working on a plate in his home at the Western Front but then…

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Jan & Philippe

Kiln is loaded

Finally there were enough pots to fill the kiln for a bisque firing, thanks to another day of my studio being 'raided' by Vancouver painters. We had a fun day with Philippe Raphanel, Mina Totino and her first-time-here friend Jan Wade. They each painted several plates, with Philippe astonishing us with a variety of layered colours, experimental wax resist again and a final swoosh of thinned underglaze…

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Philippe's long platter

Underglaze and wax resist

How can it be March already? After concentrating on getting tiles and lots of Raiders' plates fired recently I am now trying to catch up on making lots of my own work. There are jugbirds to be made but I have to confess that the idea of painting the new plate shape myself was rather intriguing. So I have been applying colours without having a planned…


Auction preview, NWCF lecture & installed tiles

On Thursday evening I attended the preview reception for the Western Front Gala Auction. Son Mike joined me and we took a careful look at all the donated art. There were photographs, prints and paintings waiting for the Gala evening ( which is happening as I write) as well as our six specially painted plates. The Luxe Hall (originally built to house the Knights of…

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Western Front 2016 Presentation Platter, by Eric Metcalfe.

Western Front Gala Auction plates

The Western Front's Gala Auction is coming up next Saturday. Here is the link to the announcement. http://westernfrontauction2016.tumblr.com The six 'Raiders' who've donated a plate each to this fund-raiser are: top row, Philippe Raphanel, Mina Totino and Rebecca Brewer Lower row, Renée Van Halm, Monique Fouquet and Eric Metcalfe. I'm pleased with the new plate design, a simpler rimless oval, and I can almost see…