Read more about the article September Raid
Raiders at work

September Raid

Yesterday was another of those busy but productive days when the 'Raiders' turn up. My guests were Eric Metcalfe, Mina Totino, Monique Fouquet, Renée Van Halm, Elizabeth McIntosh and later Marlene Madison.           It was a rainy day so we ate our splendid potluck lunch inside. Al and I thank you all for Monique's home-baked quiche, cheeses, cold cuts, salads, breads…

Read more about the article more plates
Monique's plate

more plates

  The other two artists who had freshly fired plates to take home yesterday were Renée Van Halm and Monique Fouquet. Renee had painted a rather large platter (which we made from a found metal lamp shade!). It's spectacular. I think I'm going to be asked to make one of those again..   Her other piece is a practical bowl, also very clearly a Van…


Finished Plates

Today's 'Raiders' were able to take home their plates from the last 'Raid'. I hadn't made them wait for me to fill the kiln but fired it half full so that they could be ready for today. I'll post some photos of these fine pieces before I add anything about today's fun day with yet another 'raid'.       Last time Eric Metcalfe painted…


More fine plates

  The other two artists who were here last week took home plates they'd previously painted too.   Monique Fouquet had used opaque grey on both of hers, achieving very different effects. One continued a series she'd started earlier, with a smoke-enclosed form mysteriously floating by.     The other is a striking arrangement of red on black surrounded by the grey rim. Super! Her work…


Fine Plates

  When the Raiders were here just over a week ago they took home their plates from the previous Raid. I'll post photos of those plates in two blogs.   In this first one you'll see Eric Metcalfe's one traditional oval plate, with his signature colours painted over a sage green background. It's wonderful to see the careful drawing and then watch the considered areas…