Spring is here!

Alan and I returned from our latest adventure just over a week ago. This time we joined a tour of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Al was anxious to make a return visit to some of the fabulous Mayan archaeological sites and to see some that have been revealed since he was there many years ago. I had never been there. Part of the fun for…

Read more about the article More fine plates
Renee Van Halm, square plate

More fine plates

I opened the kiln on Sunday and Alan has now taken good photos of all the work. There are more than twenty plates and seven of my jugbirds. For those of you who are interested in seeing how various artists tackle the curved surface of a slab-made plate with underglazes I'll post photos of their work, two people per blog. Paul Mathieu spent much of…

Read more about the article January Raid
underglaze-painted plates ready for bisquing

January Raid

Four 'Raiders' came out to Port Moody to spend the day painting plates last Friday. Eric chose not to come this time, but sent a platter that he'd painted at home to be included in my next firing. It'll be a presentation piece.           The artists who've volunteered to provide a plate to form a set of six for this year's February…

Read more about the article ‘Raiders’ latest
Jacqui Ross

‘Raiders’ latest

  The visiting artists had to wait a couple of weeks for me and my tile-painting friends to fill the kiln but finally it was fired and opened on Sunday. My previous blog shows the TriCity Potters' second batch of tiles and my next will show my new exotic jug birds, but I have photos of all the new plates here. Eric continues to enjoy…

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Read more about the article August Raid
Five Raiders

August Raid

Eric Metcalfe organized another 'Raid' for yesterday and Eli Bornowsky, Jacqui Ross, Paul Mathieu and Karen Henry joined the expedition. Each person let me know ahead of time what colour they'd like their plates to be painted, if not left white. I apply my coloured slips to the plates when leather hard, so some were Naples Yellow, Green, Blue and Grey. Paul asked me to make him my…

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