Another Suburban Raid

Now that the Port Moody Solstice Shuffle is history it's time to get back to my usual routine. The three 'Raiders' who showed up here last Friday asked if we could please, please have another Raid soon. So after delivering those jugbirds to Crafthouse YVR on Monday I shelved my remaining pots and fished out Wonder White earthenware clay. Even though it's summertime slab-formed plates…


More Painted Plates

There was a small Raiding party on Friday with just Mina, Pierre and Michelle. But the group worked on several plates, we had another marvellous lunch and now I have quite enough pieces to fire, along with some work of mine.                 Mina and Michelle were happy to have work from the previous Raid to take home, and…


Eric, Pierre, Renée and Gill

Eric Metcalfe has been experimenting with drawing on bisque forms. The ceramic pencils don't work on a bone dry plate, they just grind a groove instead of leaving a line so I bisqued a couple of his favourite rimmed plates. And yes, the drawing doesn't burn off and is enhanced and preserved by the coat of clear glaze.              …

Read more about the article Philippe, Mina and Michelle

Philippe, Mina and Michelle

After a number of firings I was able to take the last of the current batch of Raiders' work out of the kiln on Friday, before I left for Shadbolt Centre for the soda firing.   This post features the work of Philippe Raphanel, Mina Totino and her friend Michelle Normoyle.       Philippe spent much of the day applying several layers of colours…