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wadded pots

Off to load the salt kiln tomorrow!

It's been a month since I last wrote a blog. The day after TriCity Potters' November meeting Alan and I left for Cuba. We joined a ten-day Art Tour sponsored by UBC's Museum of Anthropology which took us to Havana, and rural towns to get a feel for the country and to see museums, the Art School and to meet artists who mainly work in the Afro-Cuban tradition.…


Cluttered sideboard

My pots for Wednesday's salt firing are all wadded and packed into boxes ready for the drive out to Abbotsford tomorrow to load the kiln with Dave Dobie and Herman Venema. Nora Vaillant drove out here today with her mother Judy (who is holidaying in Vancouver from her home in hot Arizona) to leave her pieces for the firing. This will save her one of…