Cluttered sideboard

My pots for Wednesday's salt firing are all wadded and packed into boxes ready for the drive out to Abbotsford tomorrow to load the kiln with Dave Dobie and Herman Venema. Nora Vaillant drove out here today with her mother Judy (who is holidaying in Vancouver from her home in hot Arizona) to leave her pieces for the firing. This will save her one of…


Horseshoe Bay Art Walk 2013

Sunday seemed like a perfect day to drive over to Horseshoe Bay for the Art Walk. I wanted to visit the potters so we wound up only getting to 3 of the 9 venues! But it was most interesting to see how their art walk was organized. Horseshoe Bay artists used to be part of a larger West Vancouver art event but found that being…


more Symposium photos

During the afternoon of the Symposium I walked up the hill to see the display of work that had been fired in the Ombu kiln. I had been invited to bring a piece in, and although I like salt firing best I had a good piece that had been in a good spot on the top shelf of a salt/soda firing in the gas-assisted end…


“THROWN”: Panel Discussion

From the BC Potters Guild newsletter, for FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9th. PANEL DISCUSSION: "THROWN", Vancouver MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The North-West Ceramics Society is pleased to be sponsoring a special panel discussion on the exhibition and subsequent catalogue "Thrown: British Columbia's Apprentices of Bernard Leach and their Contemporaries" published by the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery of the University of British Columbia. "Thrown" was recently reviewed…


Victoria & Albert Museum

For several years the huge ceramics collection at London's Victoria & Albert Museum was not available to the public. I remember a huge, block-long series of rooms each featuring Korean, Italian, English collections - any ceramic tradition you can imagine. At last these galleries are reopened and the display has been entirely reorganized. The museum is free and not-to-be-missed! A month ago I was happy…