Gill’s Jugbirds

  The remaining space in my kiln was filled with the jugbirds I managed to get finished in February. I've already posted a photo of a new Rooster when he was leather hard and freshly painted with underglaze and terra sigillata. Now I was looking forward to seeing how he'd look after the glaze firing. I'm pleased with his comb and wattle and glaring eyes!…


Yunomis and more

  I expect it was the Gallery of BC Ceramics' call for yunomis that got me thinking about making some again. Lots of atmospheric-firing people like to make these Oriental-inpired handle-less cups but I've always felt that if I prefer to drink tea or coffee out of a mug or cup with a handle then I shouldn't mess with another culture. But the form is…


Terra Sigillata recipes

Apparently people would like to know how I make terra sigillata. My method, thanks to long-time Ceramics technician at Emily Carr U, Gail Carney, is low-tech and doesn't involve chemical wizardry, just scales, a measuring jug and two very large buckets. I have a feeling some of the terra sig experts might find my method too unscientific but it produces what I want. Below is…


Finished painting jugbirds

Yesterday I enjoyed myself painting the last two jugbirds with whatever colours of slip that I fancied. So they're totally imaginary birds. As soon as they dry in the current summery weather I'll terra sig the bases with the nice new batch of terra sigillata I made up the other day. The photo shows how much water I simmered off - the pan was filled…


My painted plates and jug birds

In the kiln with the plates painted by the others I had work of my own - some mugs, 7 jug birds, plates and sample 'cookies' of the new underglazes I bought at Seattle Pottery Supply. The mugs are finished with terra sigillata on the outside and the plates and birds are painted when leather hard with my coloured slips. These 3 plates are quickly…