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Raiders’ results

Here are the finished plates from July's Raid. I'll just put initials under each image to identify who painted which plate. The photos get separated from text in spite of my efforts to keep them related. Eric painted one plate in his usual very distinct method. It's so difficult to see how many layers of underglaze have been applied until after the glaze firing, and…


More plate painting

Three more Vancouver artists came out to Port Moody on Wednesday to paint the plates they plan to donate to the Western Front Fundraiser. Last week Mina, Philippe and Monique were here and yesterday it was Eric, Renée and Rebecca. They are all comfortable with using underglazes on bone dry clay plates now and quickly settled down for a quiet day - well, along with some hilarious…


More fine plates

  The other two artists who were here last week took home plates they'd previously painted too.   Monique Fouquet had used opaque grey on both of hers, achieving very different effects. One continued a series she'd started earlier, with a smoke-enclosed form mysteriously floating by.     The other is a striking arrangement of red on black surrounded by the grey rim. Super! Her work…