Read more about the article June Painted Plates

June Painted Plates

My recent two firings didn't contain any of my own work. I finally decided to pay attention to the advice from 'Totally Ceramics' and my pottery neighbour Ysabella and used a commercial glaze. I had been trying to save electricity by firing my red earthenware pots in the same firings as the plates made with Wonder White earthenware but it seems I need to fire…


Another Suburban Raid

Now that the Port Moody Solstice Shuffle is history it's time to get back to my usual routine. The three 'Raiders' who showed up here last Friday asked if we could please, please have another Raid soon. So after delivering those jugbirds to Crafthouse YVR on Monday I shelved my remaining pots and fished out Wonder White earthenware clay. Even though it's summertime slab-formed plates…


Potluck Lunch

After some juggling of dates we finally found a day when a group of Raiders could get together for another enjoyable day of working in my studio. Pierre Coupey drove out here from West Vancouver and the other five, Eric, Mina, Philippe, Michelle and Marlene came from Vancouver. Several of my guests are asking for larger platters and plates these days so I did spend…

Read more about the article Practical Plates

Practical Plates

For those who read my February 4th blog, I can now show you how the plates painted that day turned out. Philippe Raphanel's two exuberant pieces are rather different from his previous ones. He applied bold colours in a careful pattern and then asked for wax resist as he'd done before. But this time he took a less random approach, with circles of dashes and…

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Read more about the article Plates and Platters

Plates and Platters

Yesterday I unloaded a full kiln load of painted plates, Alan took photos and I loaded the kiln again, this time with pots for bisque-firing. Some plates didn't get into the earlier firings, my jugbirds weren't finished and RenĂ©e brought two more round dinner plates that she'd painted at home. That firing ended this morning so tomorrow will be another glazing day. The finished plates…

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