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Russel Davis points out his parents' pots

V&A Ceramics

Of the crowds of people who flock in to the Victoria and Albert Museum very few find their way to the top, sixth floor. Their loss. Who knows why I do this, but again I found myself unable to stop taking photographs. So then I thought I'd simply record the work that has some resonance for me. Either I've met the potters, have admired their…


Finding Edmund de Waal in London

On my last full day in London I took the above-ground train to Vauxhall and the tube to Green Park. From there it's just a short stroll to the Royal Academy on Piccadilly. Choices! I paid £5 to go in to the Library and Print Room to see 'White', 'a project which sets objects in dialogue with one another and with the spaces around them.' 'White'…